For over 5 years, we've been experiencing a volatile market, yet most investors still don't understand how to harness the power of volatility and use it to their trading advantage.. Now, with this primer created from Trader's Hall of Fame award winner Sheldon Natenberg's bestselling video course, Mastering Option Trading Volatility Strategies, it has never been easier for traders to gain a powerful understanding of the potential of volatility trading strategies. Learn everything from the strengths and weaknesses of using option models to comparing implied volatility to future volatility and get on the road to making smarter market moves. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from the best, as you start mastering the most effective volatility strategies and avoiding mistakes most average traders make. Join the ranks of the most successful option traders by mastering the key concept affecting option pricing - volatility. The world's most acclaimed volatility expert and "Trader's Hall of Fame" award winner Sheldon Natenberg provides a powerful, non-technical, step-by-step workshop for understanding why and how volatility plays such a critical role in options trading. Discover the strengths and weaknesses of using option models. Learn the vital part probability plays in estimating option prices. Discern the difference between historical volatility, future volatility and implied volatility - and the function of each. Develop insight into why the perception of volatility is a more influential factor than actual market direction in option pricing. Become acquainted with the steps needed to analyze and trade options the way the pros do - by mastering key volatility techniques. Natenberg thoroughly explains:
· The basis of implied volatility and how it is calculated.
· The importance of dynamic hedging through delta neutral positions.
· The assumptions driving an options pricing model.
· How to compare price to value.
· How option trading decisions begin by comparing implied volatility to future volatility.
With a complete online support manual, this comprehensive presentation the perfect companion to Natenberg's bestselling book Option, Volatility and Pricing - or a great stand-alone primer for mastering this important trading principle.